Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ethiopian Dinner

I am broadening my international cuisine. Last night, a couple of friends and I cooked Ethiopian food, which may become my new favourite food. The white dip on the plate is a mock versian of Iab. Apparently Iab is a white curd cheese very much like Greek feta, but it is not available here. This mock version used cottage cheese, yoghurt, lemon, parsley and some herbs. It is similar to the idea of Indian Cucumber Raita, as a way down to cool spicy dishes. Ethiopian food is traditionally served with Injera, a very moist crepe-like bread that I did not attempt to make.

Pictured on the left is an Ethiopian Tomato Salad with onions, lemon juice and jalpeno pepper. Quite nice. Below is Ye'abesha Gomen which is Ethiopian Collard Greens. I really enjoyed this dish - collard greens, red onions and green peppers. Collard greens are rich in many nutrients and are becoming my new favourite vegetable!
The picture above (left) was the main dish for the evening - Ethiopian style Lentils with Yams. Yum! Sweet potato, red pepper, lentils, ginger, tomato paste, paprika, coriander, nutmeg, cinnamon, fenugreek, ginger and soy sauce! The other picture above (right) is a spicy dish with green beans, potatoes, jalapeno pepper, turmeric, cumin, stewed tomatoes and lime juice.


  1. The Ethiopian food looks great!!

  2. Wow, that all looks so good. I'm going to have to change cultures again! Are you going to post recipes here or just make us use the dump method?

  3. P.S. I love greens -- collard greens, turnip greens, etc! We eat a lot of that here in the south.

  4. Ethiopian Tomato Salad looks the same as pico de gallo! (I'm crazy about it pico de gallo.) Only I add cilantro to mine...

  5. Thanks Marcia - it was great.

    Christina - I was so eager to get pictures up and didn't have time to add the recipes. I'm not sure the best way yet to post recipes - I will either do it by request or I am looking into a way that I can create links on the blog for recipes so that it doesn't clutter the text and pictures.

    The salad is very similar to a moroccan salad and indian salad that I have made before. The basic ingredients are the same (onions and tomatoes) but the spices and garnishes are sometimes different depending on the culture.

  6. How deliciously creative you are being Elizabeth! It all looks wonderful. The photos are so good and the ingredients sound great. Now if only you could also include samples or aromas on your blogsite! :-)
