Saturday, June 19, 2010

A little taste of heaven...

or deep fried cheesecake

(no I didn't make it).

I hung out with friends from the first permanent full time job that I once had. Well, permanent for me. I've had many work and volunteer jobs... I just get bored and have to try new things. This position was the longest that I had stayed in the same place for the same job description. Also, my colleagues became my first new family once I moved out on my own. They knew my strengths and weaknesses. We laughed, played pranks on each other, shared our stories, banged our heads against the wall, discovered iced green tea with ginseng together and marked every birthday with pizza and ice cream cake.

It was fun to see each other again. To learn about how each person has changed and grown and moved on with life. It was quite the reunion. And we tasted heaven! Good times, good times.

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