Thursday, June 24, 2010

My first cupcake cake order!

How exciting - someone has made a request/order! I am making a cupcake cake - a robot for a 4 year old's birthday! Currently, I am sitting in my sauna (aka my living room heated by the oven!)with about 10 dozen cupcakes cooked.... and more on the way. Insanity. Saturday is a big bake sale/fundraiser. Tomorrow night I am having friends over to help decorate the cupcakes. All the cupcakes are made from scratch, though i will likely cheat with the icing (shhhhhh..... don't tell anyone!).

I'm not sure what the profit margin would be, but if i could make a living making cupcakes, i think i would be satisfied for awhile.... but would need better equipment.... like a very large mixing bowl... you should have seen me try to cram a huge chocolate cupcake recipe into the bowl I have. cocoa powder all over me :P

I tried to show a senior today at work pictures of the fancy cupcakes I'm making (she told me she didn't think people would pay much for cupcakes...). She wouldn't look at first and I couldn't find the picture on my blackberry (to which she laughed and said "What use is technology?!"). But alas, she had to go upstairs to get something for me which gave me ample time to find several pictures. The ducks were what won her over... and now she is telling everyone to come to the sale!

will post lots of pictures on the weekend.

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